Oral hygiene
Professional oral hygiene is a preventive dental procedure during which the hygienist with the help of special tools removes plaque full of bacteria and tartar in the entire oral cavity, even in the most inaccessible places. This is necessary to keep the oral cavity healthy and clean for a long time.
Although the main key to oral health is regular brushing with a toothbrush and floss at home, it is not always possible to clean all accumulated plaque, so it eventually turns into tartar.
It is necessary to do oral hygiene every 6 months in the dental office!
With regular visits to the oral hygienist, damage to the gums and teeth can be avoided.
Signs of incomplete oral hygiene:
- bleeding and pain in the gums;
- persistent bad breath;
- yellowish or brown patches on the teeth and tongue;
- late stage of the disease can lead to tooth mobility, the formation of gaps between the teeth, tooth loss.
Description of procedure
- If the patient has pronounced tartar, first tartar is removed using an ultrasonic scaler. It is a mechanical instrument that uses ultrasonic vibration to remove tartar above the gums.
- To ensure complete oral hygiene, each tooth must be cleaned with a hand tool, because this is the only way to get to inaccessible places, under the gums and between the teeth. Without the use of a hand tool, oral hygiene would not be complete.
- After the tartar is thoroughly removed, the teeth are polished with a special paste and thoroughly cleaned with dental floss.
- At the end of the procedure, the hygienist will put fluoride paste to restore the tooth's natural defenses.
- We recommend that patients do not eat, drink, rinse the oral cavity, or drink colored drinks (red wine, juices) and food (beets) for half an hour before oral hygiene.
Patients with increased formation of tartar, patients with various types of permanent tooth restoration (bridges, implants), smokers, patients with diabetes mellitus, periodontal disease need to do oral hygiene more often than every six months.
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